Thursday, December 29, 2011


I started this blog as a way to showcase my creative endeavors.  Scrapbooking, baking, decorating, crafting...I wanted a place that was separate from my family blog. That hasn't changed.  This blog is about all the things that I'm doing to develop myself and my talents.  So it's also going to showcase some of the things I'm doing to improve my physical self. Running Journey. 

For as long as I can remember, I've loved the idea of running, but hated actually running.  Maybe I just wasn't mentally ready for it...I've never been a fan of exercise in any form.  In my 20's I discovered yoga, which I love, but I've still had a difficult time committing to a consistent practice.  However, as I've watched my children grow, I've realized my choices will influence theirs.  I've always struggled with my weight, because I hate exercise, because I love to bake, and because I love high fat comfort foods.  It doesn't help that I dislike vegetables.  I don't want my children to struggle.  I think that finally gave me the stimulus to commit. 

I started walking last summer, worked my way up to running a 5K in September.  October I was plagued with injuries (not all of them running related), November was ok, but December was horrible with the crappy inversion and the sub-freezing temperatures.  My body couldn't tolerate running below 25 degrees...even with multiple layers of technical clothes, I couldn't keep my legs warm enough. 

Although I'm hoping for lots more snow (I do love the slopes, and I hope to be up there a lot this winter!), the warmer temperatures this week have let me get back to running.  I've lost some endurance.  On Tuesday morning, I was able to run about a 1/2 mile, then I had to alternate running and walking(mostly walking).  I've been fighting a mild cold, so my chest was really tight and I only did about 2 miles.  Wednesday morning was better, I alternated running and walking for my entire 3.2 miles.  I felt really good afterward. 

Last night, my cold settled into my chest, so I skipped running this morning.  I'm feeling pretty good now, so I'm hoping to be able to run tomorrow. 

My ultimate goal for this coming year is to be able to run The Classic 10K in September.  It was the race I ran the 5K last year, and I really want to be able to run the longer race.  I see a 1/2 marathon in my future, but probably not until my baby is in school all day...right now, with working night shift, and 3 kids that need me, I just don't have the time to do the longer runs in the training.  It won't be long, kindergarten is next year. 
My goal for January is to run 9 miles each week. 

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